Mental Wellness (Brighter Futures)
Contact Information
If you want to learn more about the Mental Wellness (previously Brighter Futures) program and what’s happening in your community, please contact:
Health and Wellness Division
Inuvialuit Regional Corporation
107 Mackenzie Road
Bag Service #21
Inuvik, NT X0E 0T0
- (867) 777-7088
(867) 777-4023
Part of IRC Health & Wellness Division’s long-term initiatives, Health Canada developed the Brighter Futures program, now called Mental Wellness, cooperatively with our communities to improve the physical, mental and social wellbeing of Indigenous children, their families and communities.
Part of IRC Health & Wellness Division’s long-term initiatives, the Brighter Futures program was developed cooperatively by Health Canada with First Nations and Inuit communities to improve the physical, mental and social wellbeing of Indigenous children, their families and communities.
It is based upon the following principles:
- To strengthen and support the child, family and community
- To be community-based
- To be community-paced
- To provide a complete range of care so that communities can create programs from health promotion to prevention and treatment to aftercare
- To coordinate and link all activities so Brighter Futures programs can be linked to existing programs in the community.
In the Inuvialuit Settlement Region, applications and guidelines for Brighter Futures are available through the Community Corporations.