The mandate of Inuvialuit Regional Corporation (IRC) is to continually improve the economic, social and cultural wellbeing of the Inuvialuit through the implementation of the Inuvialuit Final Agreement (IFA) and by all other available means.
Corporate Goals
- The preservation and growth of the financial compensation flowing from the IFA.
- The distribution of accumulated wealth to beneficiaries.
- The representation and advancement of Inuvialuit interests in areas of external relations, including federal, territorial and municipal governments, circumpolar and other Indigenous organizations, private sector and special interest groups.
- The stewardship of Inuvialuit lands.
- The identification and successful implementation of economic, social, cultural, educational, training and employment programs that benefit Inuvialuit.
- The provision of technical and administrative support to community corporations and beneficiaries.
- The promotion of rights and benefits accorded to Inuvialuit under the IFA.
Operating Philosophy
The mandate and corporate goals of IRC can only be met through a strong commitment by all directors, officers and employees of IRC to an operating philosophy of teamwork, dedication and coordination of both planning and action. The focus of all effort must be the improved wellbeing of Inuvialuit. This will be the core criterion by which all corporate activities are measured.