
Inuvik, or Inuuvik, (meaning “living place”) is the regional centre and the location of Inuvialuit Regional Corporation’s main offices. The town is home to over half the people living in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region with a population of around 3,400. Established in 1958, Inuvik was built after the government decided a new administrative centre was needed because of flooding threats in nearby Aklavik. Although many Inuvialuit moved to Inuvik from the surrounding area, they still have strong family ties with other settlements throughout the Western Arctic and Alaska. Many residents still pursue traditional activities and look forward to going out on the land.

Each of the six Inuvialuit communities within the Inuvialuit Final Agreement (IFA) – Aklavik, Inuvik, Paulatuk, Sachs Harbour, Tuktoyaktuk and Ulukhaktok – has a community corporation with elected directors. Through a democratic process as outlined in the IFA, Inuvialuit beneficiaries directly control IRC and its subsidiaries. The chair of each community corporation, together with the chair of IRC, form the IRC board of directors. Inuvik Community Corporation (ICC) board of directors is elected by corporation members.

Chair – Melinda Gillis

Vice-Chair – Darrick Selamio

Secretary Treasurer – Clarissa Smith

Director – Jimmy Kalinek

Director – Doris Rogers

Director – Edgar Maring

Director – Nathaniel Day