Qanuippitaa? (How are we?) National Inuit Health Survey Begins in Inuvik
The Qanuippitaa? National Inuit Health Survey will begin booking appointments in Inuvik beginning Feb. 16. Selected households will receive notifications directly from the field team for the chance to receive $100 in gift cards for participating in this vital work.
The Survey will be conducted at 170 Mackenzie next to Northmart from Feb 16 for approximately a month. Randomly selected households are asked to book an appointment by email or phone and participate in two elements: an in-person survey and a clinical component. Participants will receive a $50 gift certificate for completing each element for a total of $100.
The survey will be conducted in English but Inuvialuktun translation will be available on site for those who request it, along with wellbeing supports. All participants must be Inuvialuit.
COVID safe protocols will be in place to protect everyone’s health and wellbeing, and all fieldworkers and participants will be asked to wear facemasks and practice safe physical distancing.
Surveys will be conducted by appointment only to maintain safe numbers of people in survey facilities at all times, and hand sanitizing stations will be available. All nurses and dental hygienists at the clinical and dental stations will also be double vaccinated and in Personal Protective Equipment, such as gloves and masks.
The IRC Health and Wellness team recently concluded a successful Qanuippitaa? National Inuit Health Survey in Tuktoyaktuk with more than 200 surveys collected from children, youth, adults and Elders.
Qanuippitaa? National Inuit Health Survey is the first survey of its kind, and the information collected from across Inuit Nunangat will provide an important overall picture of the health and well-being of Inuit and help inform future policies and programs. Visits to other ISR communities will be scheduled in the coming months, in coordination with local leadership to ensure community safety.
We thank all Inuvialuit for their willingness to support this important work and encourage everyone to book their appointment.
For more information, please visit or contact
Community Notification
If your household is randomly selected to participate, you will receive an official community notification that looks similar to this: