School Foods Program expands to include monthly grocery supplement 

January 28, 2025

Beginning this month, Inuvialuit Regional Corporation’s School Foods program will include a $500 monthly in-store credit at Stanton, Co-op and Northern. Funded by the federal government, monthly nutritional support is available for families from December 2024 until June 2025.  

The School Foods program is in its third year providing healthy meals during the school year to over 1,000 students in the seven schools in the ISR. One of the unexpected benefits of the program has been an increase in overall attendance for students who participate in the program.  


  1. Do we have to reapply on a monthly basis?
    No, you do not need to reapply each month. However, it’s a good idea to check with your grocery vendor to ensure the credit is available. If it’s not, please contact Shayna Allen for assistance.
  1. When will the credit be available going forward?

The credit will be available on the following dates:

•                     February 10

•                     March  7

•                     April 7

•                     May 5

•                     June 6

  1. Can I change the grocery vendor?

No, you are required to remain with the vendor you selected on your application.

For any new applications, the grocery supplement application form can be completed online at Applicants will receive a confirmation email that their application has been received and can expect to be contacted within 4 business days after the form has been submitted. To be eligible, recipients must be aged 0-18 years, attend an ISR school or licensed daycare and be registered under the Inuvialuit Final Agreement (IFA).


Check with your vendor before shopping. For questions, contact Shayna Allen at or 867-777-7069 

To register a child under the IFA email