IRC’s Health & Wellness Division works together to deliver programming for youth, examples of coordination include:

  • Funding to youth centres and recreation departments to deliver wellness programming specific to their community
  • Distribution of family supplies and games to Student and Family Support Workers and schools to promote good health and positive relationships
  • Partnership with schools to offer programming which focuses on mental health and suicide prevention
  • The Regional Youth Advisory Group (RYAG) is a youth-led committee working within the region to promote wellness for all youth, a RYAG tour in 2024-25 will introduce the group in all 6 communities. Photo credit Megan McLeod Aklavik Nov 2024 with members Delanie Elias and Courtney Keevik jiggling for fish.

Student and Family Support Workers are available for youth and families who are in need of assistance or guidance.

This position acts as a support for all youth; working collaboratively towards increased attendance and goal setting for the future.

Inuvialuit Regional Corporation provides opportunity to youth through many different programs and contributions throughout staff Departments and Divisions, as well as community and national collaborations.

photo: Regional Youth Coordinator Megan (Lennie) McLeod and a previous IRC board appointed representative for IRC on the National Inuit Youth Council as well as RYAG Chair.