Innovation, Inuvialuit Science & Climate Change Staff
The IRC Innovation, Inuvialuit Science & Climate Change Division was created in 2016 and has been growing in staff and size each year since its inception. This unit began with one employee and three research projects and has since grown to a team of eleven who lead fourteen major projects within the ISR. The division is organized into three main areas Health/Engagement, Cyber Infrastructure/Data and Environmental Policy.
The ISCC Division staff offices are in the Mack Travel Building in Inuvik.
Director of Innovation, Inuvialuit Science and Climate Change
The Director provides coordination for IRC’s Innovation, Inuvialuit Science & Climate Change (ISCC) division. Additionally, she focuses on implementing IRC’s 20s19-2021 strategic plan through various large-scale research, cyberinfrastructure, data and mapping initiatives within the Inuvialuit Settlement Region. This includes project management for multi-year and diverse multi-stakeholder programs in the areas of climate change, capacity building, wellness, energy, infrastructure, knowledge mobilization and resource development. Her work aims to prioritize program engagement, shareholder support, information exchange and knowledge mobility between the project team, management and decision makers.
Jenn Parrott
Director of Innovation, Science, & Climate Change
107 Mackenzie Road
Bag Service #21
Inuvik, NT X0E 0T0
Tel: (867) 777-7053
Fax: (867) 777-7001
Email: jparrott@inuvialuit.com
Research Administration and Programs Manager
The Research Administration and Programs Manager supervises internal Environmental research to advance Inuvialuit’s social, cultural, and economic wellbeing. This role manages multi-year programs in areas of Climate Change, Clean Energy, Marine Safety, and Environmental Contaminants. The Manager also monitors all research activities (proposed and active) taking place in the ISR to ensure research activities are equitable and beneficial to Inuvialuit. The Manager also secures program and capacity funding, evaluates divisional initiatives relating to research principles and values, and short and long-term research deliverables that support decision-making.
Applied Research Project Manager
The Applied Research Project Manager leads applied research projects and conducts studies related to the social, cultural, economic, and environmental changes, and conditions of Inuvialuit and their communities. They review research related fieldwork, process and analyze statistical data, develop summary indicators, and draft reports. The position is also responsible for supervising and assisting internal research and monitoring activities focused on the collection of Inuvialuit social, cultural, economic, and environmental data. They supervise applied research staff and help secure funding to conduct research, maintain/grow the research team and to implement research policy. This position also plans and manages budgets and operations for applied research projects to ensure their timely completion and that they are within budget.
Research Administration and Programs Manager
The Research Administration and Programs Manager supervises internal Environmental research to advance Inuvialuit’s social, cultural, and economic wellbeing. This role manages multi-year programs in areas of Climate Change, Clean Energy, Marine Safety, and Environmental Contaminants. The Manager also monitors all research activities (proposed and active) taking place in the ISR to ensure research activities are equitable and beneficial to Inuvialuit. The Manager also secures program and capacity funding, evaluates divisional initiatives relating to research principles and values, and short and long-term research deliverables that support decision-making.
Applied Research Project Manager
The Applied Research Project Manager leads applied research projects and conducts studies related to the social, cultural, economic, and environmental changes, and conditions of Inuvialuit and their communities. They review research related fieldwork, process and analyze statistical data, develop summary indicators, and draft reports. The position is also responsible for supervising and assisting internal research and monitoring activities focused on the collection of Inuvialuit social, cultural, economic, and environmental data. They supervise applied research staff and help secure funding to conduct research, maintain/grow the research team and to implement research policy. This position also plans and manages budgets and operations for applied research projects to ensure their timely completion and that they are within budget.
Environmental Policy
Climate Change Program Coordinator
The Climate Change Program Coordinator is responsible for addressing short and long-term climate policy needs by supporting regional/community climate change priorities and establishing a climate change program within the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR). The role works closely with communities as well as other, partnering, organizations to ensure a coordinated approach to climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts in the ISR.
Clean Energy Coordinator
The Clean Energy Coordinator is responsible for supporting community energy priorities and establishing an inclusive approach to clean growth and energy implementation efforts within the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR) and works closely with local communities to ensure a coordinated approach to energy development and management in the ISR.
Marine Program Coordinator
The Marine Program Coordinator is responsible for addressing short and long-term marine transportation, safety and environmental protection policy needs by supporting regional/community marine safety and environmental priorities and establishing a marine safety and environmental protection program within the ISR. This position works closely with local communities, and the Inuvialuit Regional Corporate Group (i.e. Marine Protected Area Coordinator) to ensure a coordinated approach to marine safety and environmental protection efforts in the ISR.
Environmental Policy and Climate Change Assistant
This Environmental Policy and Climate Change Assistant is responsible for supporting research related to climate change, energy, marine programs, regional strategic environmental assessment, and data management. This position develops materials which increases IRCs understanding of socio, cultural and economic impacts of regional change (i.e. environment/climate change).
Genomes Research Assistant
Genomes Research Assistant position is a collaborative multi-year project led by University of Calgary and Carleton University “The Role of Genomics in Supporting Arctic Biodiversity.” The Assistant will develop research skills related to the science of genetics by gathering information on genomes research, drafting a literature review, and examining reindeer genomes in the ISR. A survey gathering information about understanding of genomes in the ISR will be released later this year.
Data Mobilization/ Cyber Infrastructure
Research Data Analyst
The Research Data Analyst is responsible for ensuring that the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation (IRC) has efficient/effective access to research data, tools, summaries, and analytical products. They focus primarily on expanding Inuvialuit capacity and knowledge of statistical information related to social, cultural, education, health, economic and geospatial data. Knowledge is disseminated through the development of reports, dashboards as well as socioeconomic and environmental indicators.
Junior Data Scientist
The Junior Data Scientist is responsible for ensuring that the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation (IRC) has efficient/effective access to research data, tools, summaries, and analytical products. Their focus is on supporting Inuvialuit capacity in the processing, dissemination and analysis of social, cultural, economic, environmental, and geospatial data.
Inuvialuit Place Names Coordinator
The Inuvialuit Place Names Coordinator is responsible for leading the Inuvialuit Place names initiative within the ISR. This includes program coordination, data collection, analysis, verification, and recommendations for publication.
Health Research Advisor
The Health Research Advisor (HRA) plans and implements research projects related to health and well-being, including Qanuippitaa? National Inuit Health Survey (QNIHS). The position coordinates with internal and external partners to identify new opportunities, designs field studies, participates in data analysis, and provides technical advice to leadership on community engagement and the dissemination of findings.
Inuit Research Advisor
The Inuit Research Advisor (IRA) can be the first point of contact for consultation on any potential or proposed research taking place within the ISR, whether inside or outside of the six Inuvialuit communities. The IRA plays an advisory role to encourage regional partnerships and collaborations. The IRA also monitors and tracks research internally.