Carving pictured: Celebrating the Life of David Amagana Nasogaluak by Abraham Anghik Ruben.
Inuvialuit Regional Corporation through its Inuvialuit Education Foundation (IEF), Inuvialuit Investment Corporation (IIC) Investments, Inuvialuit Harvester’s Assistance Trust (IHAT), Inuvialuit Social Development Program (ISDP), Inuvialuit Community Economic Development (ICEDO), Inuvialuit Charitable Foundation (ICF) and Community Corporation Investments as well as through an additional $60M in multi-year Contribution Agreements negotiated with Canada is able to provide a wide-range of services for beneficiaries of the Inuvialuit Trust under the IFA. The IFA outlines IRC’s responsibility to advance the general interests, economic opportunity and well-being of Inuvialuit.
Child Registration
Education, Training and Capacity
For Beneficiaries
Health and Wellness
Inuvialuit Harvesters Assistance Program
Inuit Child First Initiative
Inuvialuit Cultural Centre Pitquhiit-Pitqusiit
Inuvialuit Enrolment
Prenatal and Early Childhood
The Nanilavut Initiative
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